Monday, November 24, 2008
2008..The Year of the Vacation
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Shuttle Launch

Friday, November 14, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Kev, thanks for being my rock; I love you as much today as I did on our wedding day.
Uncle Randy, Aunt Kristin and Cousin Trey

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Dr. Brian Schwartz
In case you read my earlier post about our harrowing night yesterday, you will understand why Kevin needed to get as much sleep as possible (which still wasn't very much) and why he MUST play golf this afternoon with Bri and the guys in spite of me being in stomach bug jail!:)
Good job, Bri. We love you guys!!!
Sleeping arrangements
To save time and energy, I will get to the point...we have new floors throughout our house. It was not safe to let Jax sleep anywhere except...our bathroom! Therefore, we aired up our double high queen air mattress, placed it in our bathroom (it obviously has much wasted space), and Jax and I prepared for a wonderful night. We did have to change the sheets shortly after our escapade began (we gave Jax a Phenergan suppository, and he didn't even wake when he threw up in the bed). Note to self: the Phenergan didn't help his nausea; it just made him incoherent to his vomiting! Luckily, he stopped the madness at about 3:40 this morning.
All in all, we survived. He totaled 8 vomits, but he is acting like a champ today (he wanted cereal at 7:30...I made him wait until 9:30). It was definitely an adventure last night. Please pray Gracie doesn't meet the same fate!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New floors
Staying in Florida
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Another Jaxonism
Monday, September 29, 2008
African Market Day
Jax won't try the plantain...even from Mom
Jax is quite good at basket balancing
Noah and Jax...guess who is the clown
The kindergarten classes (there are now 7) get together and have an African Market Day each year. I missed Gracie's because I was working, but Kev was there taking pictures. This year, Kev and I both got to attend the festivities (Kev photographed and I was the homeroom mom); Jax was very excited. Here are a few pictures of Jax enjoying the singing, dancing and eating African foods.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Lake Burton (June)
We vacationed this summer (in June...little late posting) with some wonderful friends: The Sparrows (Kenny, Renai, Logan and Luke) and the Hanners (Andy, Carolyn, Garrett and Jordan). We rented a house on Lake Burton in the northeastern Georgia mountains, and it was fun! The Sparrows took their boat, and we tubed all week! The lake was beautiful, the water was gorgeous, and we had a blast! We are anxiously awaiting next year's vacation back up there. You can see MANY photos from our trip on our picasaweb site; click on picasaweb under picture albums on the right.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Happy 7th Birthday, Gracie (May 24th)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Homeroom Mom
Jax Graduates Preschool
Oh my goodness; is it Hannah Montana at Jax's graduation? No, it's just his big sister, Gracie, in her Hannah wig
Monday, August 25, 2008
School Daze
I returned home to a quiet house. I am suddenly in unfamiliar territory...what is this silence...what do I do....where do I start....I will be the 1st to admit that Jaxon starting school has been difficult on me. I think I am finally adjusting to the fact that my my last child is now in school (where he shall remain for MANY years). I was asked to be his homeroom mom (I know...what were they thinking), and I agreed (I know...what was I thinking). At least I will be very involved in his class (I also volunteer in the classroom one day a week just like I did with Gracie). I have cleaned this morning and obviously blogged (and uploaded some pictures to picasaweb); I am quite sure I will be able to keep myself very busy!
It's about time to bike over to the school to get my little ones. Hopefully Jax had time to eat his lunch today (apparently that didn't go so well his 1 day of school last week).
Monday, August 18, 2008
1st Day of School
Little fuzzy (it felt as humid as it looks...Fay is looming offshore)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Texas trip
Mimi, Mamaw, Bran and Jax
Riding the Ranger with Poppie
Hanging with Papa and ChaCha
Poor ChaCha
Cousin Charlee, Gracie and Jax after some hard swimming
Jax, Gracie, Mimi and Miller
Jax, Bran, Gracie, Miller, Lea Ann and Joe